This book is the Turkish translation of The Entrepreneurial State, originally published by Anthem Press The financial crisis of 2008, which […]

AUTHOR(S) Mariana Mazzucato, 100 TL

The Entrepreneurial State: Debunking Public vs. Private Sector Myths

AUTHOR(S) Mariana Mazzucato,

This book is the Turkish translation of Human Rights, Human Dignity, and Cosmopolitan Ideals: Essays on Critical Theory and Human Rights […]

DERLEYEN(LER) Matthias Lutz-Bachmann, Amos Nascimento,


Human Rights, Human Dignity, and Cosmopolitan Ideals

DERLEYEN(LER) Matthias Lutz-Bachmann, Amos Nascimento,

This book is the Turkish translation of Zoopolis: A Political Theory of Animal Rights published by Oxford University Press. From the backcover […]

90 TL

A Political Theory of Animal Rights

The essays, imagining and recalling the cadences of Said’s conversation, take various forms, including elaborations on his ideas, applications of […]

DERLEYEN(LER) Homi Bhabha, William J.T. Mitchell,

20 TL

Edward Said
Continuing the Conversation

DERLEYEN(LER) Homi Bhabha, William J.T. Mitchell,

Cihan Tuğal radikal bir hareketin sisteme massedilişinin basitçe tarihsel eğilimlerin ve tüm dünyadaki gidişatın kaçınılmaz bir sonucu değil, olumsal mücadelelerin […]

AUTHOR(S) Cihan Tuğal, 95 TL

Passive Revolution
Absorbing the Islamic Challenge to Capitalism, 3rd Print

AUTHOR(S) Cihan Tuğal,