for those who question the world

KUP (Koç University Publishing), embraces the desire to become a pioneer suited for the university’s aim of being “the center of perfection”.  KUP books are selected from the titles that are able to offer the most sophisticated knowledge of their own fields.

Burasının Bilgisi series consists of the books that are written about this geography or/and by the researchers from this geography (the Middle East, in the broadest sense). These are the works that contribute significantly to the literature, question or change the paradigms, and adopt to unused indications or unapplied methods of analyses.

The featured studies are mostly on history, art history, politics, sociology, archaeology, gender studies and cultural studies.

Uçbeyleri series features well-written, interesting and seminal books that aim to reach the general reader and within each sub-series, the limit of our knowledge about that very area is revealed (state-of-the-art), or carried onward. The series covers the areas of positive sciences, social sciences, literary theory, art, law, medicine, and ethics.

Maddiyat series applies Uçbeyleri’s approach to the areas of finance, economics, business, innovation, and entrepreneurship.

Tuhaf Etki series aims to collect the eccentric Turkish fictional texts that feature a “strange effect”. The series includes the long lost or forgotten works, as well as the emerging writers.

KUP books challenges the approach towards democracy, the problems of modern art world, whether we can survive without the property, the fundamental principles of a society shared by animals and human beings, how we can start from the scratch if the thing called “civilization” collapses, the supply equilibrium of the global warming, how social justice should be established, the results of the obsession of being young, the history of pain, and what kind of a genetic future awaits the humanity.

With the growing number of titles every year, KUP tries to close the gaps of the academic publishing and those in our intellectual world in a most influential way.

The revenue that comes from KUP books are used for the scholarships of Koc University students.

Current Editorial Board

  • Prof. Dr. Fatoş Gökşen, Koç University College of Social Sciences and Humanities
  • Prof. Dr. Ziya Öniş, Koç University College of Administrative Sciences and Economics
  • Prof. Dr. Bedirhan Üstün, Koç University School of Medicine
  • Prof. Dr. Sami Gülgöz, Koç University College of Social Sciences and Humanities
  • Prof. Dr. Fikri Karaesmen, Koç University College of Engineering
  • Prof. Dr. Yücel Yemez, Koç University College of Engineering
  • Prof. Dr. Levent Koçkesen, Koç University College of Administrative Sciences and Economics
  • Doç. Dr. Fahriye Oflaz, Koç University Graduate School of Health Sciences
  • Doç. Dr. Yonca Köksal, Koç University College of Social Sciences and Humanities
  • Dr. Ergin Bulut, Koç University College of Social Sciences and Humanities
  • Dr. Ceyhun Arslan, Koç University College of Social Sciences and Humanities
  • Dr. Menderes Işkın, Koç University College of Sciences
  • Dr. Yiğit Sayın, Koç University Law School