Call for Book Proposals

As Editorial Board, we invite you to propose books to be considered for publication from any discipline. Please note that all book proposals and manuscripts will undergo a rigorous review process.

At this point, we plan to concentrate on the following types of publications:

  • Original Turkish and English language books geared towards academic and professional as well as popular audience
  • Turkish translations of important recent foreign-language publications geared towards an academic and professional audience
  • Textbooks in both English and Turkish


If you wish to propose a publication, please peruse the template file, as it will help us to streamline the decision process. Please email or send a hard copy of this document, together with your CV, to:

Download Book Proposal Form (.doc)

Download Koç University Press Authorial, Editorial and Translation Procedures (.pdf)

Koç University Press

Rumeli Feneri Yolu Merkez Kampüs Sarıyer 34450 İstanbul, TURKEY



Science & Technology

The development of science and technology is necessary for the advancement of society; the ever-increasing pace of these developments has strong interactions with economic, environmental, and societal aspects of human endeavors. KUP’s science and technology publications aim to disseminate knowledge about the fundamental principles as well as recent advances, discoveries, and prospects in different fields, such as physics, chemistry, mathematics, life sciences, and all disciplines of engineering. Books in this topic area may include, but are not limited to: monographs, basic reference works contributing to the development of Turkish as a scientific language, textbooks, and books that allow the interested lay public easy access to the sciences.


Traditionally, law has been defined as a body of enforceable rules governing relationships among individuals and between individuals and their societies. In today’s world, however, law is no longer limited to national legal orders. Cross-border developments in law necessitate discussing legal issues from a comparative perspective. Global studies of law are indispensable to develop a common understanding aimed at preserving universal legal values and consolidating the rule of law in different legal cultures. KUP publications in this topic area, therefore, aim to focus on emerging, multifaceted and transnational aspects of law that take into account legal developments at national, regional and international level. Submissions may include, but are not limited to, textbooks, conference proceedings, collections of reviews on a selected topic, and personal views or thoughts, primarily in the areas of comparative constitutional law, human rights law, legal history, gender equality law and good governance.

Medicine & Nursing

Medicine and medical science is growing at a rapid rate, as experiments using sophisticated technology are becoming available, not only to medical scientists, but also to practitioners. KUP encourages both scientists and practitioners who are at the forefront of any area of medicine and/or medical research to submit manuscripts in any area of clinical or basic medical sciences. For example, submissions may include, but are not limited to, medical textbooks, conference proceedings, collections of reviews on a selected topic, and personal views or thoughts on a medical problem. KUP intends to publish these books in the Turkish language, in order to allow general readers to acquire a basic understanding of medical issues.

Administrative Sciences

A statement defing this concentration area will be added soon. Authors interested in publishing in this field are invited to inquire with KUP:




Social Sciences & Humanities


Archaeology & History of Art

Anatolia and its surrounding regions display a particularly rich archeological and art historical heritage dating from the Paleolithic period to the present day, and new finds, studies and developments constantly add to this heritage. KUP’s archaeology and art history publications aim to disseminate knowledge about this heritage by addressing the widest possible range of topics related to the region’s visual culture. Books in this topic area may include, but are not limited to: monographs presenting the monuments, sculpture, paintings, crafts, and all other forms of visual expression produced by the peoples in this geographical area; works addressing theoretical and methodological discussions and concerns within these two disciplines; studies that pay attention to comparative and interdisciplinary approaches; and reappraisals of known material from new viewpoints.

Gender Studies

Achieving full participation of men and women in every arena of cultural, economic, political and social and economic life is a significant goal in Türkiye, as in many other countries; social science scholarship on gender relations has an important role to play in fulfilling that goal. KUP’s publications in gender studies aim to contribute to this process by addressing a wide array of issues at the intersection of different disciplinary perspectives. Books on this topic may include, but are not limited to, theoretical and research monographs, edited volumes and introductory textbooks on the following subjects: gender and education; gender, religious and ethnic identities (including masculinities); gender and sexuality; gender and law; gender and social policy; men’s and women’s participation in politics; men and women in organizations; men’s and women’s work; women’s and feminist movements; and feminist theory.


Over the past few decades, History has drawn great attention and become one of the most vibrant areas of study in Türkiye; not only has there been a significant increase in the publication of path-breaking scholarship on Ottoman and Turkish History, but also a considerable interest among the popular audience. Koç University Press aims to contribute to this lively intellectual milieu by disseminating novel and comparative approaches to the writing of history. In addition to providing a better understanding of Ottoman and Turkish history through our publications, we also aim to contribute towards global perspectives by publishing high-quality monographs on historiography, Middle Eastern, African, American, Asian, and European history. Books in this topic area may include, but are not limited to, social, cultural, economic and political history.

Late Antique & Byzantine Studies

Anatolia and its surrounding regions display a particularly rich historical, archeological and art historical heritage dating to the Late Antique and Byzantine periods. KUP’s publications in this concentration area aim to foster the production and dissemination of knowledge about this heritage by addressing the widest possible range of topics related to the Late Roman and Byzantine empires broadly defined, as well as their interactions with neighboring cultures. Books in this topic area may include, but are not limited to, art, architecture, topography, urban and regional studies, archaeology, material culture, history and historiography, translation of primary sources, and monographic studies. Particularly welcome are also interdisciplinary and intercultural studies; new methodological and theoretical approaches in the field; Turkish translations of scholarly manuals; analyses of cross-cultural encounters; and new archaeological discoveries and approaches to the field.

Literature and Literary Theory

Turkish literature prides itself on its creative output that has the capacity to compete successfully in the global arena; yet, the same is not true for Türkiye’s contribution to academic discussions with material published in the field of literary theory and critical approaches. With this in mind, KUP’s literature and literary theory publications aim to fill this the gap with theoretical works on language, literature and translation as well as works of criticism that introduce or exemplify a particular approach to understanding and evaluting literary merit. KUP publishes books on all literatures, as long as they shed light on the appreciation of literary products; comparative studies with Turkish literature are especially encouraged. Books in this topic area may include, but are not limited to: in-depth analysis of individual creative pieces, biographies or autobiographies of eminent writers, books that relate literature to other disciplines, and works that underlie general themes or tendencies across geographical or temporal borders.

Media & Visual Arts

A statement defining this concentration area will be added soon. Authors interested in publishing in this field are invited to inquire with KUP:

Museum Studies and Heritage Management

The conservation, restoration, management, interpretation and presentation of cultural heritage to a large audience of domestic and foreign visitors alike—whether in the framework of museums, excavation sites, or in the original location—is a central concern to many stakeholders, in Türkiye as much as elsewhere in the world. KUP’s museum studies and heritage management publications aim not only to disseminate knowledge about heritage management in a large variety of contexts, but also to encourage interdisciplinary and comparative approaches, and to contribute to methodological and theoretical discussions as well as the reconsideration of current best practices in the light of local conditions. Books in this topic area may include, but are not limited to: museum and cultural histories; museum manuals; catalogues of previously unpublished collections; case studies in heritage management and museum studies; heritage-related legal and ethical studies; and guidelines and technical reports on management, conservation and restoration projects, as long as they contribute to practices and debates around larger heritage management issues.


Philosophy is central to any endeavor to reflect critically and think creatively about Türkiye’s relationship to a global world in ongoing discussions of ethics, religion, science, politics, society, and the environment. KUP’s philosophy publications aim is to disseminate ideas and knowledge of global and regional significance, to inform and inspire philosophy students, scholars and keen readers, to ecourage a scholarly dialogue within and across traditional and contemporary perspectives, and to create new areas of philosophical discussion in Türkiye. Books in this topic area may include, but are not limited to: Turkish translations of the cornerstone texts of the history of philosophy, text books, and monographs concerned with contemporary debates and discussions in the many areas of philosophy such as ethics, social and political philosophy, and the philosophy of science.


The field of psychology addresses a variety of central issues that are of concern to human development and publicizes a significant body of ground-breaking information that relates to researchers, practitioners, and the general public. KUP’s psychology publications aim to disseminate knowledge about and contribute to all areas of psychological science, including developmental, social, health, political, clinical, educational, forensic, industrial, cognitive, and experimental psychology, as well as neuropsychology. KUP’s psychology publications may include, but are not limited to: monographs that enable psychology specialists from many subdisciplines to share their data, techniques, research methods, and conclusions; training, research, and lab manuals; and books addressing a broader audience ranging from policy-makers, educators, mental health and healthcare professionals, organizations, and families to other members of the public.

Sociology & Anthropology

Social science research on Türkiye and the broader region within which it is located is growing in tandem with the many social transformations in diverse arenas over the recent decades. KUP aims to publish original high-quality social scientific research on this specific geographical as well as a more global framework, from interdisciplinary perspectives at the intersections of sociology, anthropology, political science, economics, and history. KUP especially encourages the publication of studies which probe into various dimensions of social inequality, social rights and citizenship, power and politics, gender relations, and the environment in Türkiye and the Middle East, which employ sound methodological and theoretical frameworks and which provide original findings on their subject matter.

Political Science & International Relations

Political science and international relations research on Türkiye and the broader region within which it is located has attracted more scholarly attention in recent decades, in tandem with the ongoing critical political developments. KUP’s political science and international relations publications aim to contribute to cutting-edge theoretical and methodological debates in this field and encourage interdisciplinary and comparative approaches at the intersections of sociology, anthropology, political science, economics, and history. KUP especially encourages the publication of studies which probe into processes of globalization and Europeanization and their domestic implications; patterns of international conflict and cooperation;questions of democratization, rights and citizenship; and issues of political and social inequality, identity, gender relations, and the environment. It encourages original studies on these issues in Türkiye as well as in Europe and the Middle East.