Marcell Restle was born in 1932 in a small town named Bad Waldsee in southern Germany and studied art history, […]

AUTHOR(S) B. Tolga Uyar, Birgitt Borkopp-Restle, Carolıne Mang, 140 TL

Archival Memories
Marcell Restle’s Research in Anatolia and Beyond

AUTHOR(S) B. Tolga Uyar, Birgitt Borkopp-Restle, Carolıne Mang,

Disability studies is a multidisciplinary area that developed in 1970s, but especially after 1980s. This area sprouted mainly with the […]

AUTHOR(S) Dikmen Bezmez, Sibel Yardımcı, Yıldırım Şentürk, 30 TL

Disability Studies
A View from the Social Sciences

AUTHOR(S) Dikmen Bezmez, Sibel Yardımcı, Yıldırım Şentürk,

Everybody always said that these women could only copy and that they copied and copied and copied. But within each […]

DERLEYEN(LER) Kimberly Hart,

483 TL

What Josephine saw

DERLEYEN(LER) Kimberly Hart,