This forgotten novel by Hikmet Şevki, one of the well-known journalists and men of letters of his time, was serialized […]

AUTHOR(S) Hikmet Şevki, 70 TL

Pink Home

AUTHOR(S) Hikmet Şevki,

Translated into modern Turkish by: Reyhan Tutumlu and Ali Serdar The Tefrika (serial fiction) collection of Koç University Press brings [...]

AUTHOR(S) Selim Nüzhet Gerçek, 60 TL

Victim to Unknown Forces

AUTHOR(S) Selim Nüzhet Gerçek,

Bir Günahkâr Geceden Sonra (After a Sinful Night) and Muhaberat-ı Hakikiye (True Correspondence) focus on the friendship and the solidarity […]

AUTHOR(S) Sadiye Vefik, 60 TL

After a Sinful Night / True Correspondence

AUTHOR(S) Sadiye Vefik,

At the cutting edge of spolia studies, the collected essays in this volume explore diverse forms and types of reuse in Anatolia […]

AUTHOR(S) Alessandra Guiglia, Claudia Barsanti, Elena Papastavrou, 92,59 TL

Spolia Reincarnated
Afterlives of Objects, Materials, and Spaces in Anatolia from Antiquity to the Ottoman Era

AUTHOR(S) Alessandra Guiglia, Claudia Barsanti, Elena Papastavrou,

The English volume of the exhibition, “Ottoman Arcadia: The Hamidian Expedition to the Land of Tribal Roots (1886),” edited by […]

AUTHOR(S) Ahmet Ersoy, Beatrice St. Laurent, Berin Gölönü, 475 TL

Ottoman Arcadia
The Hamidian Expedition to the Land of Tribal Roots (1886)

AUTHOR(S) Ahmet Ersoy, Beatrice St. Laurent, Berin Gölönü,

Asabi Kız. Due to the mental depression she is experiencing, Nazife is in conflict with the world and in competition […]

AUTHOR(S) Ahmet Rasim, 60 TL

Asabi Kız-Sabiha

AUTHOR(S) Ahmet Rasim,

Little Saime’s deep sorrow upon losing her mother and then her grandmother prompts his father Sadık Bey to re-marry. As […]

AUTHOR(S) Recaizade Mahmut Ekrem, 16 TL


AUTHOR(S) Recaizade Mahmut Ekrem,

Pakize is connected to the tradition of the Tanzimat novel because it discusses issues such as marriage, westernization, education, and […]

AUTHOR(S) Behice Ziya Kollar, 14 TL


AUTHOR(S) Behice Ziya Kollar,

Serap is a novel of internal reckoning blending the crisis caused by political pressures and the “crisis of masculinity.” A […]

AUTHOR(S) Mehmet Rauf, 16 TL


AUTHOR(S) Mehmet Rauf,

In 1917, while World War I continued, body parts scattered around various districts of Istanbul revealed a gruesome murder. The […]

AUTHOR(S) Ziya, 18 TL

The Severed Head Murder


Sırrı Sezai and Muammer Sacit are two prodigal heirs who are struggling to find a way out of debt. Their […]

AUTHOR(S) Mahmut Yesari, 36 TL


AUTHOR(S) Mahmut Yesari,

Arif Münir is a young, megalomaniac casanova, and a captive in Princess Sadberk’s mansion due to the “damned envy of the […]

AUTHOR(S) Vedat Örfi Bengü, 60 TL

Forty Troubles

AUTHOR(S) Vedat Örfi Bengü,

Once-bestseller Ercüment Ekrem’s colorful novel is on the shelves again from Tefrika Series! In Majesty, Ercüment Ekrem subtly builds a […]

AUTHOR(S) Ercüment Ekrem Talu, 60 TL


AUTHOR(S) Ercüment Ekrem Talu,

This book is the Turkish translation of Headstrong: 52 Women Who Changed Science-and the World, originally published by Broadway Books. From […]

AUTHOR(S) Rachel Swaby, 90 TL

52 Women Who Changed Science-and the World

AUTHOR(S) Rachel Swaby,

How would Constantinople, the last largest urban settlement of the Greco-Roman World become the largest city of Medieval Christian Europe? […]

AUTHOR(S) Paul Magdalino, 90 TL

Medieval Constantinople
Studies on the History and Topography of Byzantine Constantinople

AUTHOR(S) Paul Magdalino,

Mehmet Rauf is one of the most significant authors of the Republican period of Turkish literature thanks to both with […]

AUTHOR(S) Mehmet Rauf, 60 TL


AUTHOR(S) Mehmet Rauf,

Broken Heart, or what happens if the intellectual and beautiful daughter of a respected family from Istanbul during 1890 becomes […]

AUTHOR(S) Fatma Fahrünnisa, 12 TL

Broken Heart

AUTHOR(S) Fatma Fahrünnisa,

The Prostitute, or how come the beautiful Fikriye of the suburbs have become the elegant prostitute Şadan? In this novel serialized […]

AUTHOR(S) Selahattin Enis, 95 TL

The Prostitute

AUTHOR(S) Selahattin Enis,

I Have Killed My Love is the unknown novel of a writer yet to be known. Written by famous Turkish author […]

AUTHOR(S) Belkıs Sami Boyar, 95 TL

I Have Killed My Love

AUTHOR(S) Belkıs Sami Boyar,

This book is the Turkish translation of Master Builders of Byzantium, published by Stanford University Press. From the backcover of the […]

AUTHOR(S) Robert Ousterhout, 140 TL

Master Builders of Byzantium

AUTHOR(S) Robert Ousterhout,

This book is the Turkish translation of Renegade Women: Gender, Identity, and Boundaries in the Early Modern Mediterranean, originally published […]

AUTHOR(S) Eric R. Dursteler, 90 TL

Renegade Women
Gender, Identity, and Boundaries in the Early Modern Mediterranean

AUTHOR(S) Eric R. Dursteler,

A publication by the Istanbul Archaeological Museums, Koç Foundation, Koç University Research Center for Anatolian Civilizations and Koç University Press

DERLEYEN(LER) Zeynep Kızıltan, Gülbahar Baran Çelik,

70 TL

Stories From The Hidden Harbor
Shipwrecks of Yenikapı

DERLEYEN(LER) Zeynep Kızıltan, Gülbahar Baran Çelik,