John Garstang’s Footsteps Across Anatolia aims to highlight the international contributions of John Garstang towards the study of archaeology in Türkiye […]

AUTHOR(S) Bob Miller, Bülent Genç, Françoise Rutland, 400 TL

John Garstang’s Footsteps Across Anatolia

AUTHOR(S) Bob Miller, Bülent Genç, Françoise Rutland,

In 1917, while World War I continued, body parts scattered around various districts of Istanbul revealed a gruesome murder. The […]

AUTHOR(S) Ziya, 18 TL

The Severed Head Murder


Can you imagine the chaos if all family members that nurse their elderly decide to strike, and ask the government to […]

AUTHOR(S) İsmail Tufan, 90 TL

In Need of Care
Nursing of Elderly Alzheimer Patients

AUTHOR(S) İsmail Tufan,

Based on original fieldwork by the author and his collaborators as well as secondary sources, this book provides a path-breaking […]

AUTHOR(S) Manuel Castells, 28 TL

Networks of Outrage and Hope
Social Movements in the Internet Age

AUTHOR(S) Manuel Castells,

This title is the Turkish translation of Perspectives on Dignity in Adversity: Human Rights in Troubled Times, Polity, 2011. From […]

AUTHOR(S) Şeyla Benhabib, 110 TL

Dignity in Adversity
Human Rights in Troubled Times

AUTHOR(S) Şeyla Benhabib,