Youssouf Bey: The Charged Portraits of Fin-de-Siécle Pera is a two-volume special publication (Vehbi Koç Foundation, Istanbul, 2016) that accompanied ANAMED’s […]

AUTHOR(S) Bahattin Öztuncay, Guillaume Doizy, K. Mehmet Kentel, 651,15 TL

Youssouf Bey
The Charged Portraits of Fin-de-Siécle Pera (2nd Edition)

AUTHOR(S) Bahattin Öztuncay, Guillaume Doizy, K. Mehmet Kentel,

Is there a risk that one day, we will wake up and see that we no longer have the right […]

AUTHOR(S) Eirik Løkke, 70 TL

Private Life in a Digital Society

AUTHOR(S) Eirik Løkke,

The essays, imagining and recalling the cadences of Said’s conversation, take various forms, including elaborations on his ideas, applications of […]

DERLEYEN(LER) Homi Bhabha, William J.T. Mitchell,

20 TL

Edward Said
Continuing the Conversation

DERLEYEN(LER) Homi Bhabha, William J.T. Mitchell,

Critical Reflections in Migration Research: Views from the North and the South is an attempt to critically approach the epistemology […]

24 TL

Critical Reflections in Migration Research
Views from the North and the South