This forgotten novel by Hikmet Şevki, one of the well-known journalists and men of letters of his time, was serialized […]

AUTHOR(S) Hikmet Şevki, 70 TL

Pink Home

AUTHOR(S) Hikmet Şevki,

Translated into modern Turkish by: Reyhan Tutumlu and Ali Serdar The Tefrika (serial fiction) collection of Koç University Press brings [...]

AUTHOR(S) Selim Nüzhet Gerçek, 60 TL

Victim to Unknown Forces

AUTHOR(S) Selim Nüzhet Gerçek,

This book is the Turkish translation of The Entrepreneurial State, originally published by Anthem Press The financial crisis of 2008, which […]

AUTHOR(S) Mariana Mazzucato, 100 TL

The Entrepreneurial State: Debunking Public vs. Private Sector Myths

AUTHOR(S) Mariana Mazzucato,

Bir Günahkâr Geceden Sonra (After a Sinful Night) and Muhaberat-ı Hakikiye (True Correspondence) focus on the friendship and the solidarity […]

AUTHOR(S) Sadiye Vefik, 60 TL

After a Sinful Night / True Correspondence

AUTHOR(S) Sadiye Vefik,

This book is the Turkish translation of Antithèses, originally published by Éditions Gallimard. It is said that a tidal relationship […]

AUTHOR(S) Charles Coustille, 38 TL

Mallarmé, Péguy, Paulhan, Céline, Barthes

AUTHOR(S) Charles Coustille,

Asabi Kız. Due to the mental depression she is experiencing, Nazife is in conflict with the world and in competition […]

AUTHOR(S) Ahmet Rasim, 60 TL

Asabi Kız-Sabiha

AUTHOR(S) Ahmet Rasim,

Little Saime’s deep sorrow upon losing her mother and then her grandmother prompts his father Sadık Bey to re-marry. As […]

AUTHOR(S) Recaizade Mahmut Ekrem, 16 TL


AUTHOR(S) Recaizade Mahmut Ekrem,

Pakize is connected to the tradition of the Tanzimat novel because it discusses issues such as marriage, westernization, education, and […]

AUTHOR(S) Behice Ziya Kollar, 14 TL


AUTHOR(S) Behice Ziya Kollar,

Serap is a novel of internal reckoning blending the crisis caused by political pressures and the “crisis of masculinity.” A […]

AUTHOR(S) Mehmet Rauf, 16 TL


AUTHOR(S) Mehmet Rauf,

In 1917, while World War I continued, body parts scattered around various districts of Istanbul revealed a gruesome murder. The […]

AUTHOR(S) Ziya, 18 TL

The Severed Head Murder


Sırrı Sezai and Muammer Sacit are two prodigal heirs who are struggling to find a way out of debt. Their […]

AUTHOR(S) Mahmut Yesari, 36 TL


AUTHOR(S) Mahmut Yesari,

This book is the Turkish translation of An Ecology of World Literature: From Antiquity to the Present Day, originally published by […]

AUTHOR(S) Alexander Beecroft, 34 TL

An Ecology of World Literature
From Antiquity to the Present Day

AUTHOR(S) Alexander Beecroft,

Arif Münir is a young, megalomaniac casanova, and a captive in Princess Sadberk’s mansion due to the “damned envy of the […]

AUTHOR(S) Vedat Örfi Bengü, 60 TL

Forty Troubles

AUTHOR(S) Vedat Örfi Bengü,

Once-bestseller Ercüment Ekrem’s colorful novel is on the shelves again from Tefrika Series! In Majesty, Ercüment Ekrem subtly builds a […]

AUTHOR(S) Ercüment Ekrem Talu, 60 TL


AUTHOR(S) Ercüment Ekrem Talu,

A voyage to Istanbul’s underground with lunatics… A dark adventure makes you think that it will end in a jail. […]

AUTHOR(S) Hüseyin Rahmi Gürpınar, 90 TL

Am I Insane?

AUTHOR(S) Hüseyin Rahmi Gürpınar,

How can “the chaos of the age of information” or “the knowledge that comes with the chaos” can be a […]

AUTHOR(S) İlhan Durusel, Tansu M. Gülaydın, 45 TL

The Bluff Book

AUTHOR(S) İlhan Durusel, Tansu M. Gülaydın,

Originally published in 1997, Şiir Erkök Yılmaz’s Sucker Love evokes a feeling of strangeness not through unusual plots, eerie narratives […]

AUTHOR(S) Şiir Erkök Yılmaz, 50 TL

Sucker Love

AUTHOR(S) Şiir Erkök Yılmaz,

The most obvious characteristics of popular novels include serial production, specific formulas, and the reliance on clichéd heroes and events. […]

AUTHOR(S) Veli Uğur, 95 TL

Vampire’s Kiss, Lover’s Blood
Popular Novels in Türkiye after 1980

AUTHOR(S) Veli Uğur,

Mehmet Rauf is one of the most significant authors of the Republican period of Turkish literature thanks to both with […]

AUTHOR(S) Mehmet Rauf, 60 TL


AUTHOR(S) Mehmet Rauf,

Broken Heart, or what happens if the intellectual and beautiful daughter of a respected family from Istanbul during 1890 becomes […]

AUTHOR(S) Fatma Fahrünnisa, 12 TL

Broken Heart

AUTHOR(S) Fatma Fahrünnisa,

How often do we stumble upon coincidences, and how much importance do we bestow on them? And above all, what […]

AUTHOR(S) Hakan Toker, Pelin Kalp, 50 TL

The Red Fox in a Postmodern Fur

AUTHOR(S) Hakan Toker, Pelin Kalp,

During one of the many sieges of Vienna, the frustrated Sultan finally decides that it cannot go on like this, […]

AUTHOR(S) Süreyyya Evren, 45 TL

Vienna, Period

AUTHOR(S) Süreyyya Evren,

A booklet-novel written in Turkish with Armenian alphabet, and garnished with forty four pictures. The inconvenience of being a blabbermouth. […]

AUTHOR(S) Hovsep Vartanyan, 60 TL


AUTHOR(S) Hovsep Vartanyan,

This book is the Turkish translation of The Palimpsest: Literature, Criticism, Theory​ originally published by Bloomsbury. From the backcover of the English […]

AUTHOR(S) Sarah Dillon, 80 TL

The Palimpsest
Literature, Criticism, Theory

AUTHOR(S) Sarah Dillon,

The Prostitute, or how come the beautiful Fikriye of the suburbs have become the elegant prostitute Şadan? In this novel serialized […]

AUTHOR(S) Selahattin Enis, 95 TL

The Prostitute

AUTHOR(S) Selahattin Enis,

I Have Killed My Love is the unknown novel of a writer yet to be known. Written by famous Turkish author […]

AUTHOR(S) Belkıs Sami Boyar, 95 TL

I Have Killed My Love

AUTHOR(S) Belkıs Sami Boyar,

This book is the Turkish translation of Forms: Whole, Rythm, Hierarchy, Network published by Princeton University Press. From the backcover of […]

AUTHOR(S) Caroline Levine, 90 TL

Whole, Rhythm, Hierarchy, Network

AUTHOR(S) Caroline Levine,

Erhan Memiş’s stories are all skin and bones. Brilliant, agile, and dignified. Night Sky consists of stories that showcase their […]

AUTHOR(S) Erhan Memiş, 60 TL

Night Sky

AUTHOR(S) Erhan Memiş,

Winner of 2017 Dünya Kitap Encouragement Award for Crime Fiction What does it mean to own a text? What does […]

AUTHOR(S) Berkan M. Şimşek, 60 TL

Leopold’s Soap

AUTHOR(S) Berkan M. Şimşek,

Points to consider at hunting. What could happen if not considered. The particulars of giving away your daughter in marriage. […]

AUTHOR(S) Recaizade Mehmet Celâl, 50 TL

Celâl’s Dream

AUTHOR(S) Recaizade Mehmet Celâl,

This book is the Turkish translation of Human Rights, Human Dignity, and Cosmopolitan Ideals: Essays on Critical Theory and Human Rights […]

DERLEYEN(LER) Matthias Lutz-Bachmann, Amos Nascimento,


Human Rights, Human Dignity, and Cosmopolitan Ideals

DERLEYEN(LER) Matthias Lutz-Bachmann, Amos Nascimento,

This book is the Turkish translation of Zoopolis: A Political Theory of Animal Rights published by Oxford University Press. From the backcover […]

90 TL

A Political Theory of Animal Rights

This book is the Turkish translation of The Emperor’s New Mind: Concerning Computers, Minds, and the Laws of Physics, Oxford, 2002. […]

AUTHOR(S) Roger Penrose, 120 TL

The Emperor’s New Mind
Concerning Computers, Minds, and the Laws of Physics

AUTHOR(S) Roger Penrose,

This is the first book-length study on Aşık Çelebi’s Biographical Dictionary of Poets, which occupies a central place in the […]

DERLEYEN(LER) Hatice Aynur, Aslı Niyazioğlu,

25 TL

On Aşık Çelebi and his Biographical Dictionary of Poets

DERLEYEN(LER) Hatice Aynur, Aslı Niyazioğlu,

The essays, imagining and recalling the cadences of Said’s conversation, take various forms, including elaborations on his ideas, applications of […]

DERLEYEN(LER) Homi Bhabha, William J.T. Mitchell,

20 TL

Edward Said
Continuing the Conversation

DERLEYEN(LER) Homi Bhabha, William J.T. Mitchell,

This title is Turkish translation of Fiction Agonistes: In Defense of Literature, Standford University Press, 2010. From the back cover […]

AUTHOR(S) Gregory Jusdanis, 18 TL

Fiction Agonistes
In Defense of Literature

AUTHOR(S) Gregory Jusdanis,

This title is the Turkish translation of Roxolana in European Literature and Culture published by Ashgate. From the back cover of […]

DERLEYEN(LER) Galina Yermolenko,

30 TL

Roxolana in European Literature and Culture

DERLEYEN(LER) Galina Yermolenko,

This book is the Turkish translation of Raymond Roussel, originally published by Éditions Gallimard. From the backcover of the English […]

AUTHOR(S) Michel Foucault, 80 TL

Death and the Labyrinth

AUTHOR(S) Michel Foucault,

The book offers a new account of the cultural work of romance in nineteenth-century Britain. Çelikkol argues that novelists and […]

AUTHOR(S) Ayşe Çelikkol, 26 TL

Romances of Free Trade
British Literature, Laissez-Faire, and the Global Nineteenth Century

AUTHOR(S) Ayşe Çelikkol,

Learning abstract mathematics is a slow and complex process. This is partly because a student of mathematics must not only […]

AUTHOR(S) Ali Mustafazade, 25 TL

A First Course in Abstract Mathematics

AUTHOR(S) Ali Mustafazade,

Cihan Tuğal radikal bir hareketin sisteme massedilişinin basitçe tarihsel eğilimlerin ve tüm dünyadaki gidişatın kaçınılmaz bir sonucu değil, olumsal mücadelelerin […]

AUTHOR(S) Cihan Tuğal, 95 TL

Passive Revolution
Absorbing the Islamic Challenge to Capitalism, 3rd Print

AUTHOR(S) Cihan Tuğal,