This book is the Turkish translation of Conscience: The Origins of Moral Intuition, originally published by W.W. Norton & Company. The […]

AUTHOR(S) Patricia S. Churchland, 80 TL

Conscience: The Origins of Moral Intuition

AUTHOR(S) Patricia S. Churchland,

This book is the Turkish translation of Cities for People, originally published by Island Press. During modern urbanization, it has […]

AUTHOR(S) Jan Gehl, 68 TL

Cities for People

AUTHOR(S) Jan Gehl,

This book is the Turkish translation of Warum es die Welt nicht gibt, originally published by Ullstein Verlag. From the backcover […]

AUTHOR(S) Markus Gabriel, 90 TL

Why the World Does Not Exist

AUTHOR(S) Markus Gabriel,

This book is the Turkish translation of Notes Toward a Performative Theory of Assembly, originally published by Harvard University Press. From […]

AUTHOR(S) Judith Butler, 90 TL

Notes Toward a Performative Theory of Assembly

AUTHOR(S) Judith Butler,

This book is the Turkish translation of Frame Innovation: Create New Thinking by Design, originally published by MIT Press. From the […]

AUTHOR(S) Kees Dorst, 90 TL

Frame Innovation
Create New Thinking by Design

AUTHOR(S) Kees Dorst,

This book is the Turkish translation of A Natural History of Human Morality, originally published by Harvard University Press. From the […]

AUTHOR(S) Michael Tomasello, 75 TL

A Natural History of Human Morality

AUTHOR(S) Michael Tomasello,

How would Constantinople, the last largest urban settlement of the Greco-Roman World become the largest city of Medieval Christian Europe? […]

AUTHOR(S) Paul Magdalino, 90 TL

Medieval Constantinople
Studies on the History and Topography of Byzantine Constantinople

AUTHOR(S) Paul Magdalino,

This book is the Turkish translation of What Is Media Archaeology? originally published by Polity. From the backcover of the English […]

AUTHOR(S) Jussi Parikka, 80 TL

What Is Media Archaeology?

AUTHOR(S) Jussi Parikka,

This book is the Turkish translation of Information Doesn’t Want to Be Free: Laws for the Internet Age originally published by McSweeney’s. […]

AUTHOR(S) Cory Doctorow, 80 TL

Information Doesn’t Want to Be Free
Laws for the Internet Age

AUTHOR(S) Cory Doctorow,

This book is the Turkish translation of Human Rights, Human Dignity, and Cosmopolitan Ideals: Essays on Critical Theory and Human Rights […]

DERLEYEN(LER) Matthias Lutz-Bachmann, Amos Nascimento,


Human Rights, Human Dignity, and Cosmopolitan Ideals

DERLEYEN(LER) Matthias Lutz-Bachmann, Amos Nascimento,

This book is the Turkish translation of The Vital Question: Energy, Evolution, and the Origins of Complex Life, published by W.W. […]

AUTHOR(S) Nick Lane, 28 TL

The Vital Question

AUTHOR(S) Nick Lane,

This book is the Turkish translation of The Emperor’s New Mind: Concerning Computers, Minds, and the Laws of Physics, Oxford, 2002. […]

AUTHOR(S) Roger Penrose, 120 TL

The Emperor’s New Mind
Concerning Computers, Minds, and the Laws of Physics

AUTHOR(S) Roger Penrose,

This title is the Turkish translation of Perspectives on Dignity in Adversity: Human Rights in Troubled Times, Polity, 2011. From […]

AUTHOR(S) Şeyla Benhabib, 110 TL

Dignity in Adversity
Human Rights in Troubled Times

AUTHOR(S) Şeyla Benhabib,

Learning abstract mathematics is a slow and complex process. This is partly because a student of mathematics must not only […]

AUTHOR(S) Ali Mustafazade, 25 TL

A First Course in Abstract Mathematics

AUTHOR(S) Ali Mustafazade,

“In this study of Kuzguncuk, known as one of Istanbul’s historically most tolerant, multiethnic neighborhoods, Amy Mills is animated by […]

AUTHOR(S) Amy Mills, 28 TL

Streets of Memory
Landscape, Tolerance, and National Identity in Istanbul

AUTHOR(S) Amy Mills,

Critical Reflections in Migration Research: Views from the North and the South is an attempt to critically approach the epistemology […]

24 TL

Critical Reflections in Migration Research
Views from the North and the South