Can Nacar’s Labor and Power in the Late Ottoman Empire focuses on the work experiences of tobacco workers between 1872 […]

AUTHOR(S) Can Nacar, 50 TL

Labor And Power In The Late Ottoman Empire: Tobacco Workers, Managers, And The State, 1872–1912

AUTHOR(S) Can Nacar,

Tevfik Fikret was the first Turkish artist to open the gate to the Occident and he is one of most […]

120 TL


Is there a risk that one day, we will wake up and see that we no longer have the right […]

AUTHOR(S) Eirik Løkke, 70 TL

Private Life in a Digital Society

AUTHOR(S) Eirik Løkke,

How often do we stumble upon coincidences, and how much importance do we bestow on them? And above all, what […]

AUTHOR(S) Hakan Toker, Pelin Kalp, 50 TL

The Red Fox in a Postmodern Fur

AUTHOR(S) Hakan Toker, Pelin Kalp,

This book presents the history of Amiral Bristol Nursing School (1920-1999), its accomplishments and contributions to the development of nursing […]

AUTHOR(S) Gülsevim Çeviker, 150 TL

A History of the Admiral Bristol Nursing School

AUTHOR(S) Gülsevim Çeviker,

Unemployment or living in fear of job loss on a daily basis threatens the health of individuals and their family […]

AUTHOR(S) Mehmet Harma, Nebi Sümer, Nevin Solak, 20 TL

Life Without Work
The Effects of Unemployment and Job Insecurity on the Individual and Family

AUTHOR(S) Mehmet Harma, Nebi Sümer, Nevin Solak,