This book is the Turkish translation of Seeing Power: Art and Activism in the Twenty-first Century, originally published by Melville House. […]

AUTHOR(S) Nato Thompson, 80 TL

Seeing Power
Art and Activism in the Twenty-first Century

AUTHOR(S) Nato Thompson,

How would Constantinople, the last largest urban settlement of the Greco-Roman World become the largest city of Medieval Christian Europe? […]

AUTHOR(S) Paul Magdalino, 90 TL

Medieval Constantinople
Studies on the History and Topography of Byzantine Constantinople

AUTHOR(S) Paul Magdalino,

The studies of elderliness in Türkiye is under the dominance of a medical approach. İsmail Tufan, who starts his research with […]

AUTHOR(S) İsmail Tufan, 25 TL

The Structural Change of Elderliness in Türkiye

AUTHOR(S) İsmail Tufan,

Unemployment or living in fear of job loss on a daily basis threatens the health of individuals and their family […]

AUTHOR(S) Mehmet Harma, Nebi Sümer, Nevin Solak, 20 TL

Life Without Work
The Effects of Unemployment and Job Insecurity on the Individual and Family

AUTHOR(S) Mehmet Harma, Nebi Sümer, Nevin Solak,