Ersel Aydınlı
International Relations
PAGES: 428
SIZE: 16,5 x 24 cm
HARDCOVER ISBN: 978-625-8022-10-0
Methodology in International Relations is a compilation that reminds students and academics of the importance of methodology in the recent period in the teaching of Turkish international relations, where theory is at the forefront.
Over 13 chapters, you will read how 17 authors became aware of the methods they use to solve the riddles they are interested in, how and why they used them, the difficulties they encounter and how they overcome them, briefly their experiences, the methods, and perspectives they developed in the light of their own academic adventures. As such, the work, which goes beyond a didactic expression and fills in a gap for Turkish language resources in the field as an additional text in methodology learning, appeals to anyone who is curious about international relations in general, especially graduate students and academics.
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