The Ottoman Empire in the Tanzimat Era: Provincial Perspectives from Ankara to Edirne

Yonca Köksal Özyaşar


PAGES: 232
SIZE: 16,5 x 24 cm
EDITION: January 2022
HARDCOVER ISBN: 978-625-8022-03-2

Ottoman historians studied the Tanzimat from a top-down perspective for a long time. According to this, the policies planned in the imperial capital, Istanbul, were imposed from the center onto the remote provinces and population. This perspective has changed in recent years, as historians have focused on the provinces to study how different social actors have responded to state reforms.

The Ottoman Empire in the Tanzimat Era explores the effects of the Tanzimat reforms on provincial administration, examines the diversity among provinces, and naturally examines the important role of notables, tribal chiefs, merchants, and all other local intermediaries, who at times weakened the power of the state but at other times worked hand in hand with the state.

Based on extensive archival research, The Ottoman Empire in the Tanzimat Era evaluates the Tanzimat reforms to contribute to both history and social sciences from the perspective of Ankara and Edirne, both of which were central regions of the Ottoman state.


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