The purpose of States in Disguise is to elucidate the complex forms of interaction between states and non-state armed organizations, […]

AUTHOR(S) Belgin Şan Akca, 110 TL

States in Disguise: Causes of State Support for Rebel Groups

AUTHOR(S) Belgin Şan Akca,

Youssouf Bey: The Charged Portraits of Fin-de-Siécle Pera is a two-volume special publication (Vehbi Koç Foundation, Istanbul, 2016) that accompanied ANAMED’s […]

AUTHOR(S) Bahattin Öztuncay, Guillaume Doizy, K. Mehmet Kentel, 651,15 TL

Youssouf Bey
The Charged Portraits of Fin-de-Siécle Pera (2nd Edition)

AUTHOR(S) Bahattin Öztuncay, Guillaume Doizy, K. Mehmet Kentel,

This book, a collection of ethnographic articles, based on a decade of field research in the Yuntdağ region in Western […]

AUTHOR(S) Kimberly Hart, 18 TL

Weaving Modernity
Life, Labor and Love in a Western Anatolian Village

AUTHOR(S) Kimberly Hart,