Life Without Work

The Effects of Unemployment and Job Insecurity on the Individual and Family

Mehmet Harma
Nebi Sümer
Nevin Solak


CATEGORY: Economics
PAGES: 213
SIZE: 15 x 21 cm.
EDITION: 1st print ,2013-02-01 00:00:00
HARDCOVER ISBN: 9786055250089

Unemployment or living in fear of job loss on a daily basis threatens the health of individuals and their family members.

In Türkiye, widespread unemployment and job insecurity are chronic social problems that greatly affect individuals, families, and the entire society. The majority of public opinion polls over the last few years have revealed a general consensus that unemployment constitutes a problem of the highest priority for the country. Independent of the political orientations, society expects a solution to the issue. Unemployment and the fear of job loss (job insecurity) are generally considered economic problems; rarely does newspaper reporting go beyond the stories of individual drama and the destroyed lives that they cause. The current volume examines this critical issue from a scholarly perspective in its many dimensions.

Unemployment or living in fear of job loss on a daily basis threatens the health of individuals and their family members. In addition to economic injustice and social exclusion, long-term unemployment causes high levels of stress, depression, anxiety, cardiovascular diseases, and many other psychological and physical health problems.

Based on a broad sample of participants, this book thoroughly investigates not only the psychological and physical effects of unemployment and job insecurity on individual and family in Türkiye, but also how these threats reflect themselves in work life. At the same time, Life without Work summarizes the previous research in the relevant fields and the most recent statistics on unemployment. Moreover, it offers recommendations regarding effective intervention programs and support. This book is a useful source not only for psychologists working on unemployment, but also for other social scientists, policy-makers, trade unionists, as well as the unemployed and those fearing to lose their job.

Nebi Sümer is a faculty member in the Department of Psychology at Middle East Technical University (METU). His research interests involve lifespan attachment processes, parenting, traffic psychology, measurement, multivariate statistics, and the effects of unemployment.

Nevin Solak is a doctoral student in the Department of Psychology at METU and specializes in Social Psychology. Her research includes political psychology, emotions and emotional regulation, inter-group relations, social justice, as well as the perception and effects of unemployment and poverty.

Mehmet Harma is a doctoral student in the Department of Psychology at METU. He specializes in emotions in verbal and non-verbal communication, attachment in adolescence, social interaction by means of social media, emotions, as well as unemployment and its effects.





The Effects of Unemployment on the Individual and Families

Unemployment and its Causes

The Problem of Unemployment in Türkiye

Life without Work: The Effects of Unemployment

The Emotional Impact of Unemployment: Psychological Collapse

Unemployment and Well-Being

The Role of Socio-Demographic Factors in the Relationship between Unemployment and Psychological Health

Unemployment and Psychological Health

Unemployment and Physical Health

Unemployment and Family Relations

Causal Attributions and Attitudes towards Unemployment and the Unemployed

Summary of Part One


The Phenomenon of Job Insecurity and Its Psychological Effects

General Effects of Job Insecurity

İş Güvencesizliğinin Psikolojik Etkileri

Psychological Effects of Job Insecurity

Job Insecurity, Well-Being and Psychological Health

Job Insecurity and Physical Health

Job Insecurity and Family/Couple Relations

Job Insecurity and Work Life

Unemployment and Job Insecurity


Aims of Research on the Effects of Unemployment and Job Insecurity

The Importance of Research


Research Methods

Sampling and Participants

Measurement Tools

Measures for Psychological Health

Measures for Physical Health

Measures for Family and Couple Relations

Measures for Attitudes towards Work and Institution

Measures for Personal Resourcesv

Measures for Attributions Concerning Unemployment

Socio-Demographic Information

Data Analysis


What Do the Findings Show?


Psychological Health

Physical Health

Spousal and Family Relations

Perceived Social Support

Perceived Employment

Attributions Concerning Unemployment

The Effects of Socio-Demographic Variables on Unemployment

Sosyodemografik Değişkenlerin İşsizlik Üzerindeki Etkileri

Unemployment and Gender

Psychological Health and Gender

Physical Health and Gender

Family/Couple Relations and Gender

Social Support, Perceived Employment and Gender

Attributions on Unemployment and Gender

Unemployment and Age

Psychological Health and Age

Physical Health and Age

Family/Spousal Relations and Age

Social Support, Perceived Employment, and Age

The Effects of Socio-Demographic Variables on Job Insecurity

A Comparison of Unemployment and Levels of Job Insecurity

Psychological Health

Physical Health

Family and Spousal Relations

Social Support and Perceived Employment

Attributions Concerning the Unemployed

Attitudes towards Work and Institution

Correlations between Major Variables

Correlations between Variables on the Unemployed Sample

Correlations between Variables on the Employed Sample

Examining the Factors Mitigating the Negative Effects of Unemployment and Job Insecurity


Conclusion and Recommendations

What do the Findings Show? What Needs to be Done?

A Preventive and Restorative Approach





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